Posting Sentries: The Corporal Takes Command of the Guard
Corporal gives orders:
“Fix Bayonets!”
“Shoulder your FIRELOCK!”
“Right (or left) FACE!”
“Quick MARCH!”
The Guard marches away from the staging area by Files with Bayonets fixed.

The Corporal marches the Guard within 5 to 10 paces of the sentry post.
Corporal gives orders:
“Guard, HALT!”
“Guard Rest your, FIRELOCK!”
The corporal advances to the position he intends to post the sentry.
Corporal gives order to first private (front rank, left-hand man):
“Advance and receive your Orders!”
The first private comes to the Recover and marches to the corporal, facing straight ahead to what will become his post, halts and comes back to the Rest.
Note: when the first sentry leaves the detail, this leaves a missing man at the front of the column. When the posting private comes back to the Rest, everyone in his file of the column should come to the Recover, take one pace forward, and come back to the Rest.
The corporal tells the sentry his orders, and asks him to repeat them.
When the corporal is satisfied, he gives the order:
“Sentry, POST!”
The sentry comes to the Recover, takes 2 paces forward, and comes back to the Rest.
“Sentry, to the RIGHT about, FACE!”
“Guard, Shoulder your FIRELOCK!”
The corporal returns to the detail and marches them to the next post.

The corporal uses the same method of posting sentries to march the Guard within 5 to 10 paces of the sentry post.
Corporal gives order:
“Guard, HALT!”
“Guard Rest your, FIRELOCKS!”
“Advance and receive your Orders!”
First private comes to the Recover and marches within 2 paces of the posted sentry. Stops and returns to the Rest. Old sentry tells his orders to the new sentry.
“Sentry, POST!”
The relief and the old sentry come to the Recover, and each take two paces, passing each other on their left sides, and come back to the Rest.
“Sentry to the Right about, FACE!”
New sentry does a right about face, taking the position of the old sentry.
“Guard, Shoulder your FIRELOCKS!”
Entire detachment shoulders firelocks.
The corporal and relieved sentry return to the column. Old sentry moves to the back of the column and removes his bayonet.
“Quick March!”
The corporal leads the detail to the next post.